Photo: the outside of  PG 112/5 - Fulvio Vigna


Campo PG 112 Turin (Torino) was made up of six work detachments or sub-camps:



This website deals with British prisoners of war held in these camps: 


Location of the work detachments


Five of the  work detachments  were for British Prisoners of war:

PG 112/1 Turin Ponte Stura

PG 112/2 Venaria Reale - La Mandria  (Cascina Peppinella)

PG 112/4 Gassino (locality Castiglione Torinese)

PG 112/5 Castellamonte (locality Spineto)

PG 112/9 Beinasco (located at the Fornaci Runite - United Furnaces)


The sixth, PG 112/3 Settimo Torinese, was for Slovenes taken prisoner by the Italians in the Balkans.


The work camp list was given to the Allied Screening Commission, Central Mediterranean Forces, by corporal-major Raffaele Ferraris, born in Newport Rhode Island (U.S.A.) on 4/12/18, who in the summer of 1943 was serving in the Italian Regio Esercito (Royal Army) in the 30 Reggimento Fanteria Deposito (Depot) in Rivoli Torinese. (Source ISTORETO Fondo Borghetti:C FB 1b)


The (Torino) area can be seen on Google maps,8.7854109,8.5z


The precise location of the sub-camps is shown on the map below

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